I have had so many people ask me how many auditions or go-sees do I attend before I book a job. I have heard some people say that their booking to audition ratio, is 25 40, or 50% or higher?” I know there are some actors and models who keep very close track of those statistics. I don’t. I don’t even think about those types of statistics.

I have found that there are simply too many factors that go into the decision making of which talent gets hired to have those numbers really mean very much. The other reason why those numbers are meaningless to me is because sometimes an agent will send a talent to an audition or go-see, knowing that they are not the type that was requested. They do this because they just want to give the client some choices.

Two weeks ago I was asked to attend a go-see. The photographer was looking for a man in his 60’s who had breathing issues. This type was definitely not right for me. Since I hadn’t worked with this agent very much, I sent her a jpg of my head shot along with a short e-mail asking if I was really right for this job.

She told me that I was probably too young for the job, but that sometimes clients decide to book someone younger than their original concept.

I did not book the job. So, if I were calculating this non-booking into my formula of percentages of jobs booked from auditions and go-sees, then the numbers would be skewed a bit.

It is like people placing so much emphasis on the statistics of quarterbacks. If a receiver drops a pass or he needs to throw a ball away because he is being chased and does not want to get sacked, then those are counted as incomplete passes.

Just looking at the numbers can be misleading and does not necessarily tell you much about the performance.

The point is, I would not base very much on your percentages. I would be more interested in knowing if you get call backs from your auditions, or if the casting director or photographer requests you again for another casting. That would tell me that they liked your work.

If you do compile these numbers, please let me know what type of percentages you do have for audition to booking ratio.

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