I was recently at an audition for a TV commercial and had an important question for the casting director.

This would not be a good time or way to ask a question!!!

Actors should know that casting directors are on our side. They want us to be great and give wonderful auditions. Even if they don’t care about us (which is rare), it is in the casting director’s best interest to supply the director with great auditions. It makes the casting director look good if he or she is supplying fantastic choices for each role.

When you watch this video, you will learn what questions are essential, and what you should never ask during an audition.

Share with others what questions you asked a casting director and if they helped your audition.

If you are not watching this on my acting and modeling quick tips You Tube Channel, use this link and Subscribe. This will give you access to 250 helpful quick tip videos.

Feel free to share this link with your friends.

Another helpful article: Do This at an Audition and You Won’t Book the Job

Talk soon.
P.S. I am currently on right of first refusal for this audition. Should find out in a few days if I booked the job.

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