There are actions you can take to market yourself and jump-start your acting and modeling career outside of what your agent can do
Don’t feel trapped by waiting on others to get you acting and modeling work.

As someone who has been a full-time actor and commercial model for over 30 years, I can unequivocally say it’s always best to have an agent help you find work. An agent is going to know more about the jobs happening in your market than anyone else. With that being said, it’s critical for actors and models to take control of their career and know how to market themselves.

Understanding how to get work on your own has several benefits. If you don’t have an agent, finding jobs on your own is the only way for you to get work. And if you do have an agent, it can keep you busy while things are slow.

There are actually many avenues for actors and models to find work; most people just don’t know where to look.

Step 1

Begin searching for and contacting commercial photographers in your area. Doing a search on will give you the names of some photographers close to you.

Step 2

Getting in touch with the art and creative directors at advertising agencies is also a great way to find work. You can contact your local Chamber of Commerce to get the names of the ad agencies nearest you.

Sometimes the art/creative directors are the ones who decide which actor or model gets cast in the modeling job, TV commercial or radio spot.

Step 3

To help improve your ability to market yourself and find paid acting and modeling jobs, I have created a video for you. In this video, Bloodline and St. Vincent actor, Ron Bush, and I teach you exactly how to find paid acting and modeling jobs on your own.

By the end of this market yourself video, you will learn how to:

  • Market yourself in small markets as well as N.Y. and L.A.
  • Find the decision makers – the people who hire actors and models
  • Prepare to “wow” the decision makers – get them to notice and want to
    hire you
  • Learn about the many helpful web sites and list serves you need to know about
  • Best introduce yourself to agents, photographers, casting directors, etc.
  • Find jobs not only in your area but in other markets as well

Bonuses  (these must have bonuses are worth the entire investment of the video!)

  • You will receive a listing of over 70 websites and list serves where you can find
    acting and modeling work
  • Access to the Video and Bonus materials 24/7 at your convenience

Order the Marketing Yourself Video Now

To order your video and receive the bonus materials, Click Here

Helpful Article

Here is a great article about What to do When Work is Slow


2 thoughts on “3 Steps to Getting More Acting and Modeling Jobs

    1. You are so welcome William. What type of acting or modeling projects do you find yourself mostly working on?

      I ask because I have been a full-time actor and commercial model for 30+ years and I really like to learn and share industry information with others.

      If you would like more acting and modeling information use this link –

      Looking forward to talking with you again soon.
      Aaron –

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