It is essential that both actors and models keep great records. Knowing what jobs you have done can help make you a lot of money.

I find that especially for pharmaceutical and insurance ads, clients need to know what other jobs you have done for companies in those industries. They need to know that you do not have any conflicts currently running.

This is why it is essential that after every job you make a list with this information.
1. Date/Year
2. Type of job (acting, modeling , etc…)
3. The agency you booked with, client, people you met on the set (director,
photographer, art director, makeup artist etc…)
4. What the job was for. If for a pharmaceutical, list the name of the product
and for what type of ailment or disease.
5. How long will the ad run. 1 year, 2 years, in perpetuity.

Always bring this information with you to every go-see. I have it on my phone – at least the name of the product/type of product, date shot and time of usage. This allows me to answer all of the questions about potential conflicts.

If you are not watching this on my You Tube Acting and Modeling Quick Tips Channel then you should use this link to subscribe and watch 200
other acting and modeling quick tip videos.

Feel free to share this information throughout your social medial pages.

Love to hear if you ever experienced having to provide a list of previous jobs at an audition or go-see. Share your information below.

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