Your on-camera slate can make or break your audition. Slating is an important part of the audition process. Yet, many actors are clueless about techniques or strategies to use when slating at the beginning or end of an audition.

What and more importantly how you say your slate can completely change the perception the casting director or director has about you and your read.

Try using the 2 techniques shown in the video.

Follow Directions

Every casting director has specific requirements for what is needed in the slate.

Some require the slate happen at the beginning of the audition. Some prefer at the end. And some, want the slate shot separately.

Most casting directors want the slating information shot from the chest to the top of the head and sometimes request a full body.

Label Your Files

Once again, every casting director wants the files named a specific way. Here is a sample of typical labeling request for your file. : First Name_Last Name_Character Name_Agent.

This is a typical request as well: SC1 TK1 (Scene 1 Take 1)

Whatever you asked to do, make sure you follow the directions exactly as asked.

Some casting directors won’t view the audition if their directions are not followed perfectly.

You won’t always receive the slating details. In that case, ask your agent or casting director what to do.

Prepare For Your Slate

Like your audition, prepare for your slate. Always provide an interesting and well thought out slate.

Additional Videos You Will Want to Watch

How I Started Acting With No Experience:​

Audition Strategy That Isn’t Taught in Schools:​

11 Ways to Prepare Before an Agent Meeting:​

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1 Way to Get Commercial Modeling Jobs:​

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