Have you ever dreamed of seeing yourself in a magazine, catalog or newspaper ad, on a billboard or poster, but never acted on it because you thought you were too old, not tall enough, your body was not “perfect enough or not comfortable with the ad?” If so, I can help you make your dreams come true.

Most people don’t have the looks or body type for fashion modeling. Women must be between 5’9 – 6’0 tall and have 34/24/34 measurements, and men fashion models are 6’0 to 6’2 and wear a size 40 regular jacket. If you don’t fit the fashion requirements, but still want to pursue your modeling dream, then here is some great news.

There is an entire division of modeling called Commercial Modeling that has no height, weight or age restrictions! All types of people are needed, from infants to seniors. You will see Commercial Models in EVERY non-fashion advertisement. They are cast to portray the mom, student, doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher, real estate agent, athlete and child, – the list goes on and on.

To me, one of the most attractive aspects of Commercial Modeling is that you don’t need to make your entire living in this field. Most commercial models have full-time jobs, take off an hour to attend a go-see (audition for models) or a few hours for a modeling job, and then go back to their full-time job. Although the pay in commercial modeling is great and thus can be a wonderful additional source of income (fees can range from $50-$250/hour), the best part is just getting a chance to see yourself in an ad. Plus, you don’t have to live in N.Y., L.A, or Chicago to work as a commercial model, because there is work even in small markets. Some of my best jobs have taken place in Richmond, VA, Lancaster, PA and Columbus, OH.

Always fun doing lottery ads


Commercial Modeling is For Actors as Well

Learn How to Use Your Acting Skills and Book Commercial Modeling Jobs.

Most of the successful commercial models I know are actors. The reason why so many actors book commercial modeling jobs is because we need to be able to produce believable expressions and emotions in the ad. We are not just promoting clothing. We are needed and expected to produce a wide variety and layers of emotions. It can range from feeling sick, selling a home, being a concerned parent etc…

Definitely used some acting skills for this booking

Sometimes You Need to Say No

Something that I stress in all of my workshops and private online coaching sessions is that it is essential that one does not disregard their beliefs and values. If there is a product, company or organization you are not comfortable promoting or being associated with, simply say NO. The agent might not be thrilled, but we have to be able to live comfortably with ourselves, and stay true to our convictions.

Do Something Special For Yourself

Most of the people attending my acting/modeling workshop have decided that after doing things for others all of their lives, they finally want to do something fun for themselves.

Before entering this or any industry, you need to do your homework. Be careful when someone promises you work or demands you pay upfront fees. There are no guarantees, however, when you are equipped with the right information, you will learn how to spend your time and money wisely, and give yourself your best chance for success.

Feel Good About Yourself

I have met so many people who say that they always wanted to look into acting or modeling but never did. Perhaps they were told it was silly, they were too old, or will just be disappointed etc… There are a million and one reasons why people are talked out of pursuing something that they really want to do.

What it really boils down to is not trusting, listening or taking care of oneself. People who don’t follow their dreams will be haunted every time they see an ad. They will always have this nagging thought in the back of their minds – wondering if they could have done any modeling. For those who are brave enough to follow their passion and stop listening to all of the negative comments, no matter what happens, at least they can feel satisfied that they were not held back from pursuing what they really want to do. Pursuing your passions will provide you with confidence in every aspect of your life.

I was told by many people that a 34 year old guy living in Baltimore would never make it in New York. And yet, I still live in Maryland, work in many markets, and have been cast in more than 1,200 acting and modeling jobs to date.

If modeling interests you, get the right information, approach the industry like any other business, and don’t let anyone tell you not pursue your dreams.

The best way to begin getting work as a commercial model is to create eye-catching photos that will get you noticed.

Important Video

Click Here to watch this video that will teach you step-by-step how to get the photos you need.



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