Today was the perfect day for me to get my hair cut.

When you watch the video you will learn why today was
the right day to change my look and get my hair cut.

Never Cut Your Hair Until After You Learned
That You Didn’t Book the Audition


In This video you will learn about a horrible situation I experienced
before I learned that you never want to change your appearance
after auditioning until you know you were not cast in the project.

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then make sure you Subscribe and click the notification button so you
will always know when a new video has been uploaded.

Always feel free to share my You Tube link
with your friends so we can continue building
a great community of actors and models helping
each other.

I look forward to talking with you again soon.
P.S. Have you ever made a physical change that wound
up hurting you? Please share it here with others.

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