2 thoughts on “What to Do When You Don’t Book the Job (VLOG)

  1. Well said, Aaron. I would only add this: for me, I try to not let the audition be the high point of my day. I don’t want to feel like everything’s riding on the outcome. Also, if I can afford the extra calories that day, thenI go to Starbucks for a cookie after the audition. It’s a special treat I award myself for doing the audition, regardless of the outcome. And I always look forward to it. Thanks for all you do, every day, Aaron to assist and support other actors. All the best.

    1. Clyde, I really like your idea of treating yourself after the audition.
      They can be hard to get and filled with pressure. You should reward yourself.

      I hope you continue to gain a lot of weight which will mean
      you have gotten a lot of auditions!!!

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