What does it mean when an actor gets pinned?

I was invited to audition for a TV show by the same casting director who had me read for the recurring role I booked on the Netflix show House of Cards.

It is Not a Fluke

You are brought back to read for other projects because the casting director liked your audition, whether you booked or not. In many ways, booking the job is irrelevant. What is crucial is being remembered in a positive way by the casting director.

Casting directors want to bring back actors that will make them look good when submitting auditions to the decision makers. It also makes their job easier when they can count on taping actors who they know will give strong reads.

I was happy with my audition

I walked out feeling good about the read and the choices I made during my audition. Then I began my journey back home. A few hours later I received an email from my agent saying that I was pinned, and was given an updated list of dates when the scene could be shot. I told my agent about a few possible conflicts.

Not Sure What Does Being Pinned Means?

Being pinned for a TV show means that the casting director really liked your audition as did production, and they believe you are right for the role.
And, they want you to hold the shooting dates for them.

While watching this video, you will learn how you should never turn down a definite booking just because you are pinned. And, you will learn what to do if you are in that fortunate situation.

The next major casting decision will come from the network folks. All of the actor’s who were pinned will have their auditions viewed by network people. Then a final decision is made.

A few days after being pinned, I was unpinned. Meaning, they decided to cast someone else. It is always disappointing getting unpinned for jobs I wanted to work on.

I never think I am going to book any job I audition for. I also know that getting pinned only means that they are interested in you. You are still far far away from a booking. But, it always feels great to know that the casting director really liked my audition as did I.

Even though I did not book this time, The casting director could bring me back to read for another character. My recurring role on House of Cards came after my 15th audition for the show.

Being Pinned is Like Getting Asked Out On Date – Feels Good, But it Doesn’t Mean the Date Will Go Well

It is nice when someone likes your audition and is considering you. But, chances are you still won’t book the job. Enjoy the fact that casting liked your read, but don’t start planning your life around the shoot dates.

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Want to learn what “First Choice” really means, then watch this video:

Feel free to email me and let me know if there is a question or topic you want discussed in a future quick tip video.

Looking forward to talking again soon.

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