The 1 audition sides mistake that many actors make can kill your audition and prevent you from booking the job.

Audition Tips For Beginners
knowing how to properly hold the sides is crucial to giving a great audition

1 Audition Sides Mistake That Many Actors Make

Before explaining what sides mistake many actors make, I want to first make sure you know what sides are.

There are two things that actors will read during auditions (assuming you are not completely off book.)

If you are reading for a TV commercial, then you will be reading “copy.” Those are the words to a TV commercial.

If you are auditioning for a film or TV show, then you will be reading “sides.” It functions the same way. But, the terminology is different.

Some actors make a huge mistake by not holding their sides or holding their sides straight down. When they are looking down at the sides, the camera only sees their forehead.
This is not good. Casting directors and directors need to see an actors reaction when they are being spoken to.

If an actor doesn’t remember their lines, then instead of stopping the audition, they can simply glance at the words.

Where Should Actors Hold The Sides

I highly recommend having the sides held at eye level, but on the side.
You can’t have your face blocked during your audition with the sides. When you watch the video, you will see exactly where I place the sides during my auditions.

Is it a Mistake to Hold Sides During an Audition?

Even if you think you have the lines perfectly memorized, it is still very helpful to have the sides in your hand. This gives you the option to look
at the words, just in case you need to during your audition.

Do You Have Any Sides Audition Tips to Share?

If you have any strategies or sides audition tips that you find helpful, please share them on the comment section of the YouTube channel. This will allow others to learn from your experience.

Another Helpful Video To Watch

Beware of This Audition Trap


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