Sometimes you will learn that one little thing that you should be doing during an audition, that can make a major change in your read.


This technique is simple, and once you learn it, you will quickly understand why it makes so much sense and why it will make your audition so much better.

All successful actors make their audition feel like the scene is actually happening on the set.

You want the casting director and director to believe that they are watching the scene actually happen and not just viewing an audition.

That is why it is so important to use this technique for every audition.

If you have a specific audition technique that you find helpful, share it here. You can also post your technique at

9 thoughts on “All Successful Actors Use This Audition Technique

  1. Hi Aaron–
    Thank you for the reminder! I have tried to remember to do that recently, and feel that it has improved my auditions (especially the self-tape ones).

    Thank you for always sharing tips. If I see them often enough, maybe they will stick in my head! I really appreciate your advice!

    Wishing you peace–
    Becky Brown

    1. You are very welcome Becky.
      Have you had any auditions recently?

      Just wanted to remind you about the discount on the interview with a great casting director that is ending soon.

      Here are the links for details.

      promo code – castingdirector10

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