I just had a print job for a pharmaceutical company last week. Generally, for these jobs, I am either a doctor or a patient; this time I was the doctor. During a break in the session, I had a chance to talk with the art director. I am always curious how the art/creative director from the advertising agency decides which model gets cast for the project. The art director had something interesting to say that I want to share with you.

She said that there were many people who looked like a doctor, but there were a few factors that brought them to hire me. One helpful thing was the fact that I already had a shot on my comp card portraying a doctor. This shot allowed them to easily see I was right for the part, and very believable as a doctor. They also said some of the models who emailed jpgs (we all had to do this to make sure we still look like our comp card) had spent too much time in the sun this summer, and their skin was too tanned. One other swaying factor was that I did not look like a model, and showed a nice, warm, and friendly feel in a number of my photos.

In Summary

1.  Try to show the characters you will be cast for on your comp card.

2.  Don’t think that you have to look like a beautiful model in order to work as one.

3.  Be careful when spending time in the sun; the beach look is not always the best one.

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