4 thoughts on “Quick Tip Series With Aaron Marcus – How to Deal With This Horrible Casting Situation Video Blog

  1. Aaron,

    Thank you for sharing this tid bit. I actually was saved from missing being booked by replying with a date clarification.

    I can only imagine the break neck speed most casting directors are working on, and how easily these kinds of mistakes can happen. Multiple edited emails going out that didn’t quite get all the updates added….

    Thanks for keeping us on our toes and ahead of the pack. Great expert advice every time.

    Kind Regards,

    Tricia Harmon

    World renown personal development resources available at:

  2. You are very welcome Tricia. Yes, there are many things that we are still learning as we go through this journey. Thanks so much for the kind words.

    By the way, have you seen the 3 free videos that I offer on howtomodel.com?

    Take care.

  3. Thanks for the tip. For me who always have to drive over a hour in horrible traffic to my auditions that would be such a killer but like you said what are you going to do except exactly what you did. BZ!

  4. Hi Denise,

    It did make things a little easier since I did not have a long drive. But, even if I had, I still would have done the same thing.

    Have you had any auditions or jobs recently?

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