Last year I realized that my running shoes might be like your acting career. No, I have not been drinking this morning!!

I have been a jogger for many years. Typically, I use to run around 3 or more miles during my jog. One day, I went out for a run and after 5 minutes, my legs felt dead. The next time I ran my legs felt tired after 7 minutes. Something was wrong.

I went to my running store where I purchase my shoes to ask if my shoes were shot. Perhaps, that was the reason my legs got tired so quickly. They said no, my shoes had a lot of life left.

I quickly realized, I could not blame my shoes. It was me that needed to work harder to run longer. I made sure my strides were correct and that
I was jogging properly.

It took a month, but I was able to increase my times until I finally got back to my normal 30-35 minutes. After continuing to push, I increased
my time to 40-45 minutes per jog.

Are You Blaming Others?

Are you angry and blaming others about your career?

If you have not gotten the auditions or jobs you expect, like with my shoes, are you finding yourself blaming others (agent, manager, casting directors?)

Perhaps it’s time to look at what you are doing to help your career move forward.

Are you taking new classes, signing up for private mentoring, learning/practicing new techniques that can give you better chances of booking more acting or modeling jobs.

The point is, you want to be proactive and not just hope for things to happen or magically get better. It is not a coincidence, that
successful people work hard at being better skilled.

I truly hope this gives you incentive to push yourself forward. Keep adding
that extra time/effort to your career. You can’t move forward by standing still.

Let me know if you are doing new things to help your career during this

3 Things Actors Can Do to Increase Their Chance of Booking the Job

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