I have not yet! Just getting into acting so it’s definitely something to look into. Dolphin Tale 2 is coming to my area and I already put in to be an extra but I may look into doing this as well if I’m a good match with any of the principal actors.
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Great stuff! Thanks Aaron.
You are very welcome Karen. By the way, your site looks great.
Have you done more radio spots or narrations?
Thanks again.
Great information 😉 Thanks for sharing Aaron!
Becky, thanks so much. Have you ever done any stand in work?
I have not yet! Just getting into acting so it’s definitely something to look into. Dolphin Tale 2 is coming to my area and I already put in to be an extra but I may look into doing this as well if I’m a good match with any of the principal actors.
Sounds good. Just contact the extra’s casting director and ask if there are
any stand in’s needed for your type.
Let me know what happens.