I have heard a few people say that since they have an agent, or have booked a few jobs,
    they don’t need or have an interest in taking classes. I really disagree with this way of thinking.

    Even famous actors take classes and study with a coach prior to working on a project.
    For instance, Julianne Moore worked with a dialect coach for two months prior to shooting
    the docudrama “Game Change” for HBO. You can read the entire article here:

    Even after being in this industry for over 27 years, I am still learning on a daily basis.
    During my last Acting and Modeling Online Success Summit: it was really nice hearing other industry
    experts share their opinions and how they approach things a little differently than I normally do.

    Typically, I approach every workshop I attend with the goal of being able to walk away with one or
    two new things that will be helpful to me. One idea that I use during my acting work, but never
    had it quite stated this way came from Bob Luke during the Summit. For those of you who don’t know
    Bob, he is an amazing acting coach. He has worked on TV and film sets, helping actors prepare
    for the scenes, managed kids, and also spends most of his time giving private sessions.

    This is what he had to say about what all actors must do for auditions and on the set:


    That is what acting is all about.

    So no matter whether you are just getting started, or have had real success in the acting and or modeling industry,
    keep studying, take classes, read as much as you can about the industry. This is how you continue to grow,
    get even better, and continue to give yourself your greatest chance for success!

    What is something you have learned recently that you want to share? Write it in the comment box below.

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