I had a wonderful time yesterday working on an incredible photo shoot in New York.
This will be an international project. Can’t wait to see the final ad.
When On the Set
I always ask the photographer what is happening in the ad. What
emotions and expressions are needed from my character.
I view all commercial modeling shoots as acting jobs, except there are no lines to memorize.

For yesterday’s job, the photographer gave me
specific information about what my character
needed to feel and show.
We shot for a short time and then the creative director
from the advertising agency gave me a different scenario.
Now I have to switch gears and show other
types of emotions.
I told the creative director that the photographer was asking
for something else. He said, don’t worry, just
follow his suggestions.
Who should I listen to?
I decided to listen to the creative director
from the ad agency.
After our next break, the photographer asked
me what I was doing. He said my looks and
emotions were all wrong. What happened?
I told him that the creative director asked me
to show different types of emotions. If needed
I can show both looks.
Then I asked if he would talk with the creative director
and just let me know what I need to present to the camera.
When you communicate well
good things happen.
The photographer
talked to me after his meeting –
apologized and asked me to follow
the creative director’s ideas.
He had spoken with the client and they
changed the concept.
This is not the time to have a fit and begin
yelling at people on the set, saying “Why can’t
people make up their minds and tell
me you need.”
What works better is to simply
have a calm conversation and things
will get resolved.
More Modeling Information – Watch this video
If You Practice This Technique and Your Photos Will Get Noticed
Let me and others know if you have experienced any difficult situations on a set
and how you resolved them. Share them below.
You Tube Channel
You can watch a lot of helpful acting and modeling quick tips on my
Share this link and post it on your social media platforms.
you still motivate me and I am coming back as a Agent/mentor/manager/teacher/survivor in the Field
You are an amazing guy Frank.
Can’t wait to create a workshop with you again.