I had a wonderful time yesterday working on an incredible photo shoot in New York.
This will be an international project. Can’t wait to see the final ad.

When On the Set

I always ask the photographer what is happening in the ad. What
emotions and expressions are needed from my character.

I view all commercial modeling shoots as acting jobs, except there are no lines to memorize.

I loved playing the “Rock Grunge Guitarist” for Molson Beer.

For yesterday’s job, the photographer gave me
specific information about what my character
needed to feel and show.

We shot for a short time and then the creative director
from the advertising agency gave me a different scenario.

Now I have to switch gears and show other
types of emotions.

I told  the creative director that the photographer was asking
for something else. He said, don’t worry, just
follow his suggestions.

Who should I listen to?

I decided to listen to the creative director
from the ad agency.

After our next break, the photographer asked
me what I was doing. He said my looks and
emotions were all wrong. What happened?

I told him that the creative director asked me
to show different types of emotions. If needed
I can show both looks.

Then I asked if he would talk with the creative director
and just let me know what I need to present to the camera.

Here is How They Get You
When you communicate well
good things happen.

The photographer
talked to me after his meeting –
apologized and asked me to follow
the creative director’s ideas.

He had spoken with the client and they
changed the concept.

This is not the time to have a fit and begin
yelling at people on the set, saying “Why can’t
people make up their minds and tell
me you need.”

What works better is to simply
have a calm conversation and things
will get resolved.

More Modeling Information – Watch this video

If You Practice This Technique and Your Photos Will Get Noticed


Let me and others know if you have experienced any difficult situations on a set
and how you resolved them. Share them below.

You Tube Channel

You can watch a lot of helpful acting and modeling quick tips on my

Share this link and post it on your social media platforms.



2 thoughts on “If This Happens During a Photo Shoot – This is What You Need to Do

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