I never should have booked the HBO miniseries We Own This City

I Never Should Have Booked This HBO Show

I auditioned for the HBO miniseries “We Own This City.”
I even had a call back. But at that time, there were no
scheduled shoot dates.

Once I found out that I was booked, then I was told when my
scene would shoot. I was very disappointed because the shoot
date was when my family was going to be on vacation. I turned
it down.

It Was Hard Turning Down This HBO Show

In the past, I used to do everything possible to accept
bookings. Even in this situation, I thought about flying
back to Baltimore during vacation where the scene was
being shot. But, I decided, that at this point in my career,
I am placing priorities on my family.

During vacation, I received a call from casting to say that production
had to shut down due to someone on the set was sick. Production pushed
the shoot date and I was now available. So fortunate to have been able to do this job.
Crazy how sometimes things just work out.

Ever Booked a Job You Didn’t Think You Would?

Have you ever booked a job that you never thought you would?
If so, please share your experience in the
description section of my acting and modeling quick tips channel.

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