I know this is crazy, but I love doing this.
As we prepare for an audition, whether it be film, TV or even a commercial, we should always try and memorize the sides.
Whether you have the sides memorized or are just really familiar with them, always have the sides in your hand during the audition. That way if you happen to go blank and forget some words or lines,
you can quickly glance at the sides to keep your audition going.
Keep The Sides Even After the Audition
After my audition, even if I did not book the job, I will work
on memorizing the sides so that they are scene ready.
I know that seems a bit crazy if I did not book the job. But,
to me, this gives me the opportunity to continue exercising
my brain. There could be long stretches of not booking a
job, and not fully memorizing the sides.
So, this is a great way to keep your brain sharp and always ready for
when you actually have to memorize your lines for a job
Now I Throw Away the Sides
After I finish memorizing the sides, then I toss them out.
I have no need to hold onto projects I did not book.
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Share With Others
Are there any tips you can share with others that might be
a little quirky or unusual? If so, please share them here
or on my facebook.com/howtomodel page.
Can’t wait to talk with you again soon.