I recently learned about a company that hires actors and models mostly for promotional work (http://www.cmtagency.com). After filling out the company’s registration form on-line, they submitted me for a convention job that was taking place in Washington, D.C. I was cast. The job was for an amazing heart monitoring machine. My job was to lay very still on a table, from 10:00-4:00, with four electrodes attached to my chest. The thousands of critical care nurses, who attended this event, could see my heart rate, stroke volume and 12 other vital pieces of information that the machine offers.
When I first accepted the job, I thought this might be the weirdest booking I have ever accepted. As it turned out, it was a very fascinating booking. Besides learning a lot about cardiac issues, I also learned how to focus and stay extremely calm for hours at a time. In some ways, it was like being in a meditative state for long stretches.
This can be a funny industry, and one never knows what type of booking is waiting for you down the road. I find it extremely helpful to open up and try new experiences. You never know what you will learn.
Let me know if you ever experienced this type of work. Leave a comment below.
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