It is really hard to get cast in a TV pilot.
Just getting the audition itself is difficult.

So many people are submitted for each role.
Then to and actually book it, wow, it feels amazing.

I was very excited to get the great news.

I am going to share some additional
information of behind the scenes and
realities of being in a pilot in this second video.

I signed an NDA (non disclosure agreement)
so I can’t share specifics, about the project,
but I will give you hints, suggestions and tips
that will help you when you work on a pilot –
or a TV show in general.


As of today, I have not heard
if the pilot has been picked up.

2 thoughts on “I Booked a TV Pilot – Part 2

  1. Thankyou for sharing your advice it is really appreciate and congratulations on following and working hard to make your dreams come true.

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