How to Make a Great Acting Sizzle Reel – 7 Essential Tips
Watch this video until the end and learn how to make a great acting sizzle reel by using these 7 essential tips.
Here are a few of the topics that Aaron covers in this sizzle reel video:
1. How to shoot your own material for your demo reel
2. How to get footage from existing projects that look great
3. Should you use a monologue or scene from a play in the sizzle reel
4. How long should the sizzle reel be
5. Is a slate needed in the reel And, so much more.
Labeling Your Videos
It is so important that people see the names of the projects in your reel. As you will watch in the video, I prefer having the name of the project appear in the bottom left corner as the scene begins.
How Long Should Your Reel Last?
There is no minimum to the length of your reel. If you only have
one piece to use and it lasts 15 seconds, that is fine. You have to start somewhere. You don’t want the sizzle reel to run longer than 1 minute.
Other Videos to Watch
How to Upload Your Sizzle Reel Into Your Email Signature
3 Mistakes Actors Make at Callbacks and How to Avoid Them
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