Many actors and models wait by the phone for their agent to call them about auditions, go-sees and booking information. Even though I am represented by many agents in various different markets, I still market myself. I don’t want to rely on others to get me work.

There are many ways we can be pro-active and market ourselves. Making sure you have the right photos on great web sites is a good way for others to see you. Another way is to actually send your head shot and or comp card directly to the people who can hire you. The art and creative directors at advertising agencies, casting directors (head shots only), producers, and photographers are the people you need to see your materials.

There are many ways of finding these people. Associations like, and are great places to find ad agencies, photographers and casting directors. You should write a short cover letter, and if you have an agent, let them know that you can be booked through your agent. If you are don’t have representation, you can give them your contact information.

I find it very helpful to always be marketing myself, and let others know I am around and available.

In both my workshops and book, How to Become a Successful Commercial Model, I go into much more detail about marketing and getting work on your own.

Let me know you have any suggestions for actors and models to market themselves. Add a new comment below.

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