All actors need to learn how to feel better after not booking an audition. They must understand that getting an audition is very exciting. All actors need to know that being granted an audition is hard. So many headshots and resumes have been submitted to the casting director. And, only a very small percentage are given the opportunity to read for a role.

Getting the audition is winning. Actors have full control over their audition, but absolutely no control over who gets cast.

Frustrated About Not Booking the Job
Feel Better After Not Booking An Audition

How to Feel Better After Not Booking An Audition

It is so easy to feel bad after not booking an audition. We work so hard on preparing for the audition. The job might be a high profile project. Or, the acting job is very lucrative. And, then we find out we didn’t book the audition.

This Will Help You Feel Better After Not Booking An Audition

Casting decisions are not personal decisions. There are most likely no connections between not getting the job and your acting skills. Perhaps you need more practice or education to improve your acting/auditioning skills. But, most of the time, it is simply a statement that you weren’t the perfect person.

Remember, you gave your best at the audition. You did everything you wanted to do. Be proud of yourself for your preparation and offering the casting director an interesting choice.

Treat Yourself After An Audition

You should do something nice for yourself after an audition. Since you worked so hard you should reward yourself. Auditions can be hard. Treat yourself to something special.

How Do You Feel Better After Not Booking An Audition?

If you have any suggestions on ways that you treat yourself after not booking an audition, share them on the Channel so we can learn from each other.

Another Great Video To Watch

This 1 Audition Mistake Can Kill Your Audition
Don’t make this one audition mistake. It can kill your audition


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I look forward to talking with you again soon.

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