There is a fine line between pushing an agent too far but also being proactive and taking care of yourself.

I recently was asked to audition and have the video sent back to the agent by the next day.
I worked really hard at understanding the material, who my character was, what the character wanted to get out of the scene and try and memorize the lines best I could.

After two takes, I was very happy with the read. I edited the audition and uploaded it to the agent.

Follow Up

With the program that I used to send a large file ( I can always see if the video was downloaded. Generally, agents don’t want you to contact them asking if they received the audition. That is because they would be spending half the day just responding to all of those who sent in videos.

For the agents I have a personal connection with and respect, I might ask them if they were happy with the audition.

Not only will I receive helpful feedback, it is also a way for me to know that they got the video.

What Happened This Time

I contacted the agent to ask if she was happy with the audition. She told me that she downloaded the video, but could not open it. That was so weird. I never had this issue before. She asked me to re-send it to her. I did.

I contacted here again. She still could not view the audition. Honestly, I was getting frustrated. I would have hoped that the agent would have contacted me to let me know she was having issues viewing the video.

Since I knew the problem was on her end, I asked her if I could send the audition directly to the client. She agreed.

The End of the Story

The client got and was able to open and view my audition. I booked the job.

I was very happy about having the job, but honestly, I was not happy that I had to work so hard at making sure the client could see my audition.

My Point

Sometimes we have to be proactive and push to make things happen. There can be a fine line between upsetting the agent but also making sure that we take care of ourself.

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You can watch another helpful video.

What to Say to An Agent When Work is Slow

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