How can actors join SAG-AFTRA and should they join the actors union?
There are pros and cons to being in SAG-AFTRA. There are many factors that go into deciding if joining the Union is right for you.

When you watch the video you will also learn what the Union can and can’t do for actors, the benefits and why joining the Union is not for everybody. And so much more.

There are 4 ways actors can join the actors Union.

1. Be a Member of a Sister Union

You can join SAG-AFTRA if you are a member of a sister union, such as Equity (the union for theater actors) . You have to have paid your union dues and have worked at least once in the past year.

2. Get Upgraded On a Union Set

Non-union extras are sometimes asked to do or say something during a shoot that gives them an upgrade. That means they go from being an extra to a day-player. Having this upgrade will allow you to join the Union if you desire.

3. Audition for a Union Project

Auditioning for a Union project and get cast, will allow you to join SAG-AFTRA.

4. This is How Many Actors Get Union Cards

The Union has negotiated with producers how many Union and non-Union extras are hired for each project. If the slot for Union extras has not been filled for the day, the casting director can invite you to be on that Union extra list, even if you are not a member yet.

When that happens, you will be paid the same and treated as a Union extra. If you are hired as a Union extra 3 times (does not have to be consecutive) and paid as a Union extra, then you can join.

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