You will learn how a star actually acted unprofessional and nasty to me on a film.
Many years ago I was working as an extra on a film. Since there was a boxing scene, the casting director, whom I knew, needed thousands of extras and asked if I would help her by working on this project.

One of the film’s stars actually acted unbelievably unprofessional and nasty. Here is what happened.

How A Star Actually Acted Unprofessional and Nasty

I was shocked by how unprofessional and nasty the star was to me

I worked for around 12 days on this project. The first 10 were great. Then in was on day 11 when one of the stars actually acted unprofessional and nasty.

I was the boxing inspector and sat next to one of the stars during the fight. In between rounds, it was my (the inspectors) job to walk up some steps, climb into the boxing ring and make sure nothing illegal was being given to the boxer.

We had some great conversations over the first 10 days. Then on day 11, before I climbed out of the ring
so the fight could begin, I needed to first wait for the “cut man” to finish working on the boxer. Once he was done, he would grab the stool and I would follow him down the steps. After I began walking down, then the star (who was the trainer/manager) would follow me.

This is When The Star Actually Acted Unprofessional and Nasty

For some reason, the cut man had to wait a few seconds for the boxer to get up from the stool he was sitting on. This caused a delay in him going down the steps. This also meant I couldn’t walk down the stairs. He finally started walking down. As I was about to make my place my right foot on the first step, the star pushed me very hard from behind to hurry me up.

What I Had to Do Because The Star Was Unprofessional And Nasty

I was pushed so hard that I couldn’t place my foot on the steps. There were two choices I could make. I could either try and land on the bottom step and hope I didn’t twist or break an ankle. Or, jump over all of the steps and hope I didn’t get hurt by landing on the hard surface.

As you will hear me discuss in the video, there was a third option I quickly thought about but decided not to do.

Acting Unprofessional and Nasty Should Never Happen

It doesn’t matter how famous one has become, there is no excuse for acting unprofessional or nasty. Especially, when it comes to potentially physically hurting someone. Eventually, the actor apologized
and we were OK after that. But, that horrible experience has not left me. Please, don’t ever do something unprofessional or nasty while working with another actor.

Ever Had a Bad Experience With Another Actor Being Unprofessional or Nasty?

If you ever had this type of experience – share it on the channel.


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