There are many ways that people hold their sides (the short portion of the script they read) during an audition. Some people always memorize their sides, but even if you have know your lines, you should always have the sides in your hands in case you get stuck during your audition.
Getting Stuck
This happens to everyone. You think you have your lines down, and then for some reason, in the middle of a read, you go blank. When this happens, you will just be in a daze trying to regroup and remember your next lines.
Always Have Your Sides in Your Hands
By holding your sides in your hand, you can simply glance over, see the words you have forgotten and continue without missing a beat.
You Aren’t Hired Because You Memorized Your Lines for the Audition
People are not hired because they have their lines memorized for the audition. People are hired because they look right for the role, make interesting choices for their character and make their lines sound conversational.
So, don’t think that you have a better chance of booking the job because you are trying to show off your memorization skills.
Actually, when your lines are memorized, people will think that this is as good as the read gets.
If you are very familiar with your lines but need to quickly glance at the sides, then people will realize
that your read will get even better as you get your lines memorized.
Learn How to Memorize a Script
Here is a great video that will help you memorize your lines.
You can order and watch this video over and over.
10 Secrets to Memorizing Your Lines Video
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This is a really helpful video.