Agent’s and casting directors don’t want you being honest with them. At least during certain situations. Here’s why.

Be Honest With Agents and Casting Directors – Most of the Time

It is essential for actors to be honest with other industry professionals.

Not only is it crucial for your credibility in the industry, but it is also necessary in order to have success.

I have heard that some actors are not honest when creating their acting resume. They either add in certain productions they never worked on, or gave the impression that extra work was actually a principal job.

Agent’s and casting directors will not work with people who are not honest.

This is When Agents and Casting Directors Don’t Want Actors to Be Honest

If you are meeting with an agent or auditioning with a casting director,
you don’t want to sound like a complainer.

If you had a tough time finding the agent’s or casting directors office, got stuck in traffic had parking issues, fights with family members, they DON’TWANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS!!

They are seeing a lot of people and need to get through their meeting with you or audition. If you come off sounding like a winer or complainer, they might not want to work with you. And, you are taking up a lot of their time with things other than what needs to get accomplished that day.

At this point, you probably don’t have that type of personal relationship with the casting director and certainly not the agent if you are attending a meeting about representation.

The Best Way to Not Be Honest With Agents and Casting Directors

If you are having a bad day, for whatever reason, if asked how you are, use your acting skills and tell them you are GREAT.

Not being honest in that situation can go a very long way. This will leave the industry professionals with a much better impression of you.

Don’t sound cranky, angry or bitter. This is not a good first impression.

Have you Ever Not Been Honest

If you ever had to lie during a casting or an agent meeting, share it with others on the YouTube Channel.

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Another Helpful Video

3 Mistakes Actors Make At Call Backs – And How to Avoid Them

Looking forward to talking with you again soon.


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