When Shooting Home Auditions?
Do you have lighting issues when shooting home auditions? I did.
My home office was arranged perfectly for my home auditions. My lights were placed perfectly and I never had to move them.

I used my MAC Book Pro and everything looked and sounded great.
Then, I purchased a new MAC Book Pro and things looked really bad.
The built in camera began taking over and I had no control over
the changes the camera made.
I tried moving my lights to a different part of the room. Separated the
lights more. Bought umbrellas for the lights, but nothing seemed to
I purchased an inexpensive app (Iglasses) that allowed me to change
the look and that helped. Still, I was not 100% happy with the way
my face looked.
Visit a Camera Store
Going back to the camera store where I bought the equipment was very
helpful. I showed the sales person the videos I shot on my MAC. This allowed him to see the placement of the lights and the issues I had.
He did not think that buying new lights was the answer. He thought it was
the placement. Having the lights at 45 degree angles, moving the umbrellas
as close to the bulb as possible, had a more direct coverage of my face.
I spent hours moving the lights as I watched myself on the monitor.
This process is much easier if you have someone else move
the lights for you. This allows you to immediately see what is and isn’t working.
The guy at the camera store really helped me solve my lighting issues
for my home auditions.
I created a really helpful video that you can order.
How to Shoot Home Auditions That Casting Directors Will Love.
You will learn what equipment is needed, where to get everything
at a reasonable price and techniques to use that will make your
audition stand out.
If you have any suggestions on what lighting techniques you use
to make your audition look great, leave a comment below.
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What You Should Never Wear to an Audition
Another video to watch that will help you with auditions.
What You Should and Never Wear to an Audition
If you have any questions or topics you want me to cover in the future,
email me at: aaron@howtoactandmodel.com.
Take care.
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