I know this sounds really crazy, but not booking your last audition is still really great. In this video, I share why.

I know this sounds crazy.
I know this sounds crazy

How Can Not Booking Your Last Audition Still Be Great

The fact is that most of the auditions actors attend, they don’t book. It is not necessarily any type of statement about your look, acting or audition skills, and it certainly says nothing about who you are as a person. There are so many factors that go into booking and not booking an audition.

Why Not Booking Your Last Audition is Still Great

The reason why not booking your last audition is still great is this. There is no better way to introduce yourself to a casting director than by letting him or her watch you act. Sending emails, post cards (not sure if anyone still does this) mailing headshots and resumes can be helpful. But, there is absolutely no caparison to sending information about your self and actually be seen performing.

If the casting director already knows your work from previous auditions, then auditioning again gives you the opportunity to remind the casting director you are still around and available. They see so many actors that it is easy for them to forget about us. And, seeing you audition will remind the casting director he or she should be thinking of you for other new projects.

Even though it sounds crazy to think not booking your last audition is still great, it really makes sense.
It will keep you on the casting directors radar for something new. That is great.


The Biggest Mistake Actors Make During Auditions


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