Sometimes Actors Need to Leave An Agent

If you want to change agents, make sure you answer these 4 questions before deciding.

Leaving your acting agent is a big decision. Sometimes actors need and should switch agents.
But, you don’t want to make this serious decision based on the wrong reasons. It is crucial that actors
seriously think about the possible ramifications that could happen when leaving your agent.

There are times, like in any relationship, it is time to break up and go separate ways.

Below you will read about a number of situations where it is a good idea to make a representation change. Don’t quickly make the agency switch until after having multiple conversations with your agent to try and resolve any issues you are feeling.

Here are a few of the topics discussed in the video.

Not getting enough auditions

Not receiving the attention you expect from your agent

If you see that there are different strategies about your career goals 

If you are being courted by a bigger – more prestigious agency (but be careful in this situation)

Make sure there are no legal issues with terminating your contract  If you believe your agent is not doing his or her job or not showing much interest in you

In the video you will learn the best ways to communicate these issues with your agent. And, understand when it is really time to make an agent change. And, how to end things with your agent properly.

Have You Left an Agent

If you left an agent, leave a comment on the channel and let us know how things went.
Was it a good move? What did you say to the agent you left?

Another Helpful Video

Agents and Casting Directors Don’t Want You Being Honest With Them


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