I can’t believe what these two actors said.

Can't believe what these two actors said
Can’t Believe What These Two Actors Said

I can’t believe what these two actors said. One was while I was doing stand-in work on a TV show. The other situation took place during an audition.

Can’t Believe What These Two Actors Said

You can hear the entire story while watching the video, but here is the short version of what the actor said to me.
I was a stand-in on an NBC TV show for nearly 1.5 years. While shooting an outdoor scene,
we had a 30 minute break. The PA (production assistant) told me to stay warm and hang out
in one of the trailers nearby. I went there, only to find out it belonged to one of the stars of the show.
And, he was still in his trailer. I felt very embarrassed, confused and really uncomfortable.

Can’t Believe What The Star of a TV Show Said

I apologized to the actor and explained what happened. He told me it was fine to hang out in his trailer until I was needed on set. I told him that I will find another place to wait, but he insisted and said that he was more than happy to have me stay in his trailer. He left for a rehearsal.

Two minutes after he left, I heard a loud knock on the trailer door. The PA told me that the actor was furious that I was sitting in his trailer. The same guy who said it was fine for me to stay there. I immediately left. To this day, I still don’t understand what he was thinking, and why he actually insisted I stay. I am still clueless as to why he would say this to me.

Can’t Believe What This Actor Said

I was attending an audition in New York for a local TV commercial. While standing behind the actor who was about to audition, he quickly turned around and told me that they made a change and now the TV commercial was going to be a national spot. That changed things. Now, we are talking about a lot more money than just a local spot. I started feeling a little more nervous. When it was my turn to read, the casting director asked if I had any questions. I asked if it this was really a national spot. She said no, it was just a local commercial.

The actor clearly was trying to rase the stakes for me and place more pressure on me.
I still can’t believe what he said to me. Apparently, he was hoping that I would not give a good audition because of the distraction of the usage change.

After all of these years, I still can’t believe what these two actors said.

Has An Actor Said Something Unusual to You?

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The One Audition Sides Mistake That Can Kill Your Audition


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