Some actors and models think they can book acting and modeling jobs by sitting at home and wait for their cell to ring.

The fact is that no matter how talented you are, if you are not proactive and aren’t working at getting jobs, it can be very hard to have success.

It is not necessarily the most talented person who books the most acting or modeling jobs, but instead, it is the one who is very talented, but is proactive at getting the work.

Sure, at some point, after you have been established, you can have your agent and or manager help you find auditions or bookings, but until that time is is so important to be work hard at getting the work.

If You Have an Agent do Actors and Models Still Need to Hustle?

Yes, even if you have an agent, you want to market yourself.

You can help your agent by trying to get work on your own and then send the booking through your agent.

Quick Story

I had been traveling and did not have a chance to look at my emails for around 10  hours to see if I had any auditions or jobs.

I quickly checked my emails and noticed that a casting director was sending out information for a TV commercial audition. I emailed my information. But, I heard nothing.

I knew the audition was happening the next day, so I sent another email late morning, and when I checked my emails again, I noticed that I was granted an audition. I had  3 hours to get ready, work on the copy and travel to the casting director’s office.

Later that evening, I got a call from the casting director saying that I had booked the commercial for the following day.

I spent a lot of time that evening studying the script, and began traveling out of state the following morning at 5:30 AM for the shoot.

It was a great day. This was a political spot, and they also asked me to do hand modeling for the second TV commercial for the politician.

All of this happened because I worked hard at making sure I was submitted for the project, followed up when I did not hear anything and made sure I got to the audition on time.

This is How You Have Success

Going the extra mile, working hard at getting the work, continuing to study and work on your craft, read books, practice and make sure you are ready when the opportunities happen is how you have success.

Learn How to Get More Acting and Modeling Jobs

Here is a great blog teaching you how to get more acting and modeling

What Have You Done to Get More Acting and or Modeling Jobs?

Share with others both here and on my page what you have done to help you book more jobs.

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