Actors need to beware of this audition trap and avoid this mistake.

avoid this audition trap

Common Audition Trap

It is easy for actors to try and show off their talents and skills during an audition. They want the casting director and director to see how talented they are during their read. Some actors think that the focus needs to be
on their character or order the others to see their talents.

Ask This Question to Avoid The Trap

Avoid this common audition trap. While studying your sides, the essential question that needs asking is whom the scene is about. If the scene is not about your character, don’t fall into the trap and try and make it about your character. Be true to the scene.

Quite often, the smaller roles in big projects have the actor serving the scene by helping share information about one of the stars.

It is essential that the actor reads their lines with that in mind.
Don’t ever try to make the scene about your character when not called for. It will make it very difficult to book the role.

Do You Have Any Audition Tips to Share?

If you have any audition tips that you find helpful, please share them on the comment section of the YouTube channel. This will allow others to learn from your experience.

Another Helpful Video To Watch

If you are shooting home auditions, you will want to watch this video.
Need Help Creating Great Lighting for Home Auditions – Here’re 3 Fixes


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