Have you ever attended an audition for an acting or modeling job you really wanted , but didn’t book it?

Many people will tell you that it is so important to do the audition and then let it go. Stop thinking and dwelling on the audition and move on to the next one.

But, we are human and it is painful sometimes not to book the job that you worked so hard to get.

Frustrated About Not Booking the Job

So, instead of denying your true emotions, acknowledge and feel your emotions. But, don’t let it paralyze you. Don’t allow this experience keep you from continuing to   move forward.

What You Should Do When You Don’t Book the Acting or Modeling Job

Here is what I recommend you always do when you are disappointed about not getting the booking.

You should know the shoot date. If not, find out when that project will take place. Then use that day as one where you work even harder at making your career go forward. Whether it is taking another class, or marketing your materials to industry professionals, spend that day practicing in from of a camera or whatever you think will help your acting or modeling career.

Use the disappointment as a motivator for not allowing yourself to be blocked or stopping you from reaching your goals.

Not Booking the Job Could Be a Good Sign

I know this sound crazy, but you should watch this video and see why Not Booking the Job Could Be a Good Sign.


Get a better plan to book more auditions.

Auditioning Secrets Video

Learn step-by-step how to prepare for and then crush your next audition. Auditions are tough and going in prepared will give you a leg-up on the competition and give you the best shot at booking the job!

Have you ever found yourself auditioning and feeling that you were simply reading the words? Did you ever feel that it would be a better audition if you had a specific strategy and techniques to use? Do you find yourself auditioning and not booking much?

Then you definitely want to order this incredible video. 

What You Will Get Out of This Video:

  • Learn how to analyze the sides before your audition
  • How to use nervousness to your advantage
  • What you should wear to an audition
  • What questions you should ask during the audition
  • Key memorization techniques
  • What you need to do to book the job
  • What to do if your audition does not go as planned


Order this video and get an amazing step-by step list showing you how to analyze a script.


Watch More Videos

You can subscribe to my You Tube Acting and Modeling Quick Tips Channel to watch many more helpful videos.

Private Mentoring

I set aside 5 days each month to work with people privately online. Learn more about my mentoring sessions
at howtoactandmodel.com/mentoringprogram.

What do you do when you don’t book the job?

Let others know what you do if you do not book a job that you really wanted. Share it here and on facebook.com/howtomodel.


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