If you have already submitted please do not submit again.Still Looking for additional Actors for a casting for a full-feature film to be shot in Vegas. At first, they were only looking at SAG/Union actors. They have now opened it up to non-union talent as they were unsuccessful in filling all of the roles.

If pre-selected, you will need to attend a casting to be held in Vegas on Monday or Tuesday of next week. If you can not attend one of these days please do not submit.

When submitting, please state the specific roles that you would like to be considered for. If you don’t state the role, I will be unable to submit you.

Roles: All ethnicities will be considered for all characters:

Day Player Roles:
Rate: It’s “scale” using the SAG modified low budget contract. For the few actors working more than 1 day, they must agree to work non-consecutive days as day players. The rate is $268.

1. Frail teen girls-Ethnic -spunky
2.Senile Old Man-60+ Caucasian/all Ethnicities
3.Police Officer -25+ Ethnic
4.Father- 30’s Ethnic
5. Boy-Legal 18 looking younger-Very Good Looking- Ethnic
6. Talk Show Host-Woman-Rachel Maddow Type
7. Julio-20’s Hispanic- Thug
8-18 to play younger…Characters. All Tall and skinny short and fat…etc. All ethnicities

If you are available and interested, please send the following to john@redagencylv.com no later than Sunday evening;
1. Full name.
2. Contact phone number.
3. State whether you are non-union, SAG, or SAG Eligible.
4. Headshot.
5. Role(s) submitting for.

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