Philly Area

actors needed for short/feature film

This is a Short/Feature that will take about 4 months to film and publish. This project is divided into two sections that occur independently from each other. The section we are currently casting for occurs 10 years in the past. Once the roles are cast this will be explained in greater detail.

The roles are the following:

Benjamin (main character): age range 10-13. A smart, wise and observant kid. He has been Yaribel’s friend for the first half of the school year. Aware of Yaribel’s abusive situation at home, Benjamin feels helpless to intervene in what goes on with her parents. He does his best to be a comfort for her at school. He has become attached to Yaribel and, likewise, she has become attached to him.

note: every child who auditions for this role and is not cast will be offered the opportunity to appear briefly in the second section of the film.

Yaribel (Love interest): age range 10-13. Strong willed, ambitious, and independent for her age, it is not immediately obvious that she has suffered physical abuse at the hands of her father. Her only confidant is Benjamin. Moreover, he has become an escape from her homelife. He is her one true comfort. Yaribel’s mother decides to move as far away from her father as possible, abruptly taking Yaribel from Benjamin without proper closure.

note: every child who auditions for this role and is not cast will be offered the opportunity to appear briefly in the second section of the film.

Yaribel’s Mother: age range 28-35. The actor must be able to portray the same role in two different styles. The first is a realistic representation of a mother. She is so wrapped up in removing her child from her current situation, she does not give any thought to the legitimacy of Benjamin and Yaribel’s friendship. The second representation of the character is an exaggerated caricature, in which the mother figure is portrayed as a villain out to separate the two children. This version is the mother as imagined through the mind of another character.

Yaribel’s Father: age range 30-40. A brief scene in which the father yells at both Yaribel and her mother in the car revealing his abusive nature.

The copy of the script will be sent and appointment dates will be discussed once e-mailed.
Food will be provided on set.

Please feel free to contact Tom Ryan at if you have any other question regarding the information above.

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