Betsy Royall Casting, CSA

Law Experience: Any

Non union production
Spec: An actor who can prepare a convincing closing argument, and someone with law experience, preferably as a trial attorney. We can except law students if they feel they can prepare a closing argument. All ethnicities & ages.
Pay: $1,000.00 – asf
Please submit: if you fit the spec and have real law experience. Then I will email you the case study, audition time or have you tape yourself.

For the audition we will provide a case summary and they will come up with a 2-3 min closing argument delivered as a prosecuting attorney.
If booked they would be given more case details and come up with a closing argument (could be the same, could be a slightly different case.

The shoot date is Sept 12th, in the afternoon. (An hour on camera, 30 mins in makeup)
Shoot location: Henninger Media, 2601-A Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA

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