Looking for a model preferably with some experience, though experience is
not necessary.
The model I’m seeking is Female, between the ages of 23 and 30 anywhere
around 5′.9″ and 116Ilb.
Looking for fair complexion with big, light colored eyes, long or short
hair and full lips.
I’m willing to pay 30/h. I’m looking to shoot in New Jersey in the Ringwood
area, particularly, at the Skylands Manor.

About my project.
This shoot is a personal project, that requires little from the model. I am
looking to capture a natural look that reflects the models personality.
It’s less about the modeling techniques and poses than it is about the
person herself. I’m looking to capture the natural personality as well as
I’d like to shoot on the weekend during sunny weather between the hours of
3-730pm. I’m looking to shoot in the Summer time, while it still lasts
(July – August)

For more information contact:
Stan Peresechansky

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