A man’s life is changed when someone saves his life.
Character breakdowns:
-Raymond’s Father (30’s)
-Younger Raymond (5-10)
Raymond’s Father is the one who has instilled hatred into Raymond. He is
essentially a mean, racist drunk.
Raymond is a young boy with blonde hair and blue eyes who does not know
right from wrong. He only knows what his father has taught him.
The shoot for this part will take no more than a couple of hours. We are
shooting a dream sequence that needs a father telling Raymond to hate
those of color.
Please send your head shot and resume and if possible a reel of your work.
5) Non-paid
6) Meals will provided
7) are crew members needed
8) Audtion location TBA in Austin
9) TBA
10) HD
11) Intended distribution: internet, festival circuit
13) Austin, TX
Thanks so much,
Tyrone D. Smith