This is an audition strategy that isn’t taught in schools. Normally, when people think of auditions they only think about acting.

Commercial models have auditions as well, but they are called go-sees. This is because you go to a photographers studio or a casting office and you are seen.

I just had a go-see that needed to be shot in my home. This is why it is so important for both actors and models learn how to shoot great home auditions.

This pharmaceutical go-see was a bit unusual. Instead of only having a few
still shots taken, the client wanted the model to share information about
him/her self.

They wanted to know what the models like to do in their free time. Hobbies, TV shows they enjoy watching, etc…

Here is a Great Strategy to Use For Auditions

mom doing yoga with child

I knew for the type of medication I was attending the go-see for, the client wanted someone older who was active and in good shape.

So, when I had to share what I liked doing when not acting or modeling, I talked about jogging, taking hikes and long walks. This was to make sure that what I said matched the characteristics that was needed to book the job.

Actually, I am a very honest person, but in this situation, I would have been fine with making something up to make sure the client thought I was right for the role. I never would lie about having skills that I don’t possess. But, the model selected was not needed to run or do any activity for the job. My body type would be perfect for the concept of the ad whether I actually ran or not.

Another Example

Many years ago, I attended a go-see in New York. There were hundreds of people waiting in line. It took me over 2 hours to be seen by the photographer.

I knew what the product was, and that they were shooting
people who liked being outdoors, in 3 locations. Three couples were being hired for the project.
One would shoot in New York. The other in Texas. I will tell you about the last location soon.

An Unusual Go-See

This was the first time I ever experienced a go-see where the models
were video taped during the go-see. I was able to hear what the models were being asked by the photographer. He wanted to know what the talent had done recently. All of the models/actors talked about recent projects.
They discussed recent film, TV and commercial projects. Many were quite

My Audition Strategy

I decided to take a very different approach. Instead of talking about
recent acting or modeling jobs, instead, since I knew these were outdoor, travel shots, I talked about how I recently went camping with my family.

This was not true, but I do love camping, and it seemed like the perfect
thing to say during my go-see.

I guess, along with my look, the client liked what I had to say. I booked the job and was flown to Hawaii, to do the shoot. What an amazing experience.

How to Properly Use This Strategy

Don’t Lie to Others

I am truthful with everything I say to others about 99.9 percent of the time. And, I would never lie about a skill I don’t posses. But, if I need to portray
myself as someone who really fits the character, I might slightly alter
reality a little.

Want to learn another audition strategy? What you should and never wear to an audition.

What Auditioning Strategies Have You Found Helpful

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