I have had some tricky audition surprises. All actors must be aware. Sometimes casting directors will ask an actor something that can feel tricky and really surprise the actor. But with the correct knowledge these tricky situations don’t have to catch us off guard. At all auditions, we must be ready for anything we are asked while auditioning.

These tricky audition surprises have happened to me. The surprise can be as simple as having a casting director ask you, “tell me about yourself.” What I always do in this situation is to share something about me that connects with the character. For instance, if my character likes to spend time outdoors in nature, I will talk about how I love camping or doing things outside. I will never just talk about what projects I have worked on. They have a resume for that information. This is just one of a few things you might not have been ready for but can be crucial when the casting director or director wants to get a better sense of who you are. After watching the video, you will know exactly how to make sure you are fully prepared for your audition and ready for any tricky audition surprise.

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