Want to resurrect your acting career? Is your acting slow or work dead? Here are 5 amazing strategies to breathe life back into your career.

First Thing Actors Should Do to Get More Work Happening
Effective Materials
1. Is your acting work dead? If so, here are 5 amazing strategies that can resurrect your career. It is imperative that actors have up-to-date and great marketing materials. Especially, in today’s time actors need an effective headshot and resume that casting directors expect. This can make the difference between getting and not getting the audition.
It is not uncommon for hundreds of headshots/resumes to be submitted to casting directors for each role. If your materials aren’t selling you well and stand out in a positive way, then it will be very hard to be invited to read for the role. It won’t matter how incredibly talented you are, having bad marketing materials will prevent casting directors from seeing your amazing talents.
Second Thing Actors Should Do to Get More Work Happening
2. Having an agent to represent you is always the best way for actors to get auditions and book jobs. If you have had a number of talks with your agent and still not happy with the relationship, then maybe it is time to find another agent.
Or, this could be the time for you to expand your acting skills and find an agent in another market. The bigger the market the more chances you could have to get auditions and book jobs.
Third Thing Actors Should Do to Get More Work Happening
Staying Sharp
3. Like an athlete who stops playing and practicing, it is easy for actors to lose their audition and memorization skills. When work is slow that is the time to keep practicing so your audition and memorization skills remain sharp. If you aren’t fully proficient with shooting and editing home auditions, this is the time to practice and be ready when auditions begin again.
Fourth Thing Actors Should Do to Get More Work Happening
Create Contact Files
4. Creating an Excel Spreadsheet has been incredibly helpful to me throughout my career. Every time I meet someone or hear about an industry professional, I could potentially work with, I add that person into my spreadsheet. I currently have names and contact information for 1,000 + agents, photographers, directors, casting directors, art and creative directors from advertising agencies and others connected to the acting industry. This allows me to stay in touch to remind them I am still around and what I have been recently doing.
Fifth Thing Actors Should Do to Get More Work Happening
Market Yourself
5. Even if you have an agent, it is so important for actors to market themselves to keep them fresh in decision makers minds. It is not a coincidence that I normally will get the opportunity to audition for a project shortly I have sent out emails to those on my contact list.
Even if you don’t have earth shattering news about an amazing project you recently worked on, just letting people know that you are still around is a great reminder. This will force them to think of you. That makes it easier for them to contact you about a new project.
Run Your Acting Business Wisely
I always find it really helpful to do everything I can to make things happen in my career. I don’t like to sit by my phone and hope people will reach out to me. Be pro-active and do everything you can to help get more things happening in your career.
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Full-Time Job Keeping You From Acting? Here’s 8 Things to Try
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