There are times when you see the character description for a project and you immediately think that this is not right for you. If the character itself seems right, sometimes you should still consider submitting yourself. If you have ever submitted or booked a job that did not seem right for you, leave a comment here or on my page.
Hi Aaron! Thank you so much for the advice. I just recently auditioned for a part that didn’t necessarily fit my age. The character is in her 40’s and I’m 30, plus, I have a young look. I haven’t heard back as to whether or not I got the part, but I was feeling a little self-conscious since the cast call was for a specific age range and I didn’t fit it. Thanks again!
Hi Erinn,
Sometimes they will love your performance and decide to change the age of the character so you can have the part.
This information very much appreciated. I have experience that same thing and it is good to know that the reasons other than my performance for not obtaining the part.
Hi Alisa, sometimes we have no idea why we do and don’t get the part.