If this happens to you while on a set, here is something you should try. Let others know if you have run into problems on a set and how you dealt with them.
If this happens to you while on a set, here is something you should try. Let others know if you have run into problems on a set and how you dealt with them.
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If there is noise I would look at the sound man or the a.d., to check if the shot was o.k. they might want ambient noise, but I would guess that usually the shot would have to be redone, and that’s not on you. However, you don’t want your shot ruined so it ends up on the cutting room floor! If there is time, I would ask to reshoot if possible.
I really like your idea as well about not stopping in the middle of a take
and finish it and then see if you need to do the scene again. Stopping in
the middle of a take normally is not a great idea.
Pamela, I have always had problems working in front of a camera. That is why I normally suggest just have someone shoot you with a cell phone. Then you can easily review the slate you just recorded.