5 thoughts on “Acting and Modeling Quick Tip – 1 Trick to Getting Cast on a TV Show

  1. Aaron,

    Thank b you for the encouragement. As a Mom I’m consistently looking for good moral ways to promote my daughter Victoria. She is 11 years old. We met you at AMTC when she was 7.
    As a Mom I’m in her court researching riles, parts etc for her to take part in.
    Here’s my issue. She had a great voice for both speaking and Singing. We recently found out about her love for music. She is now in voice lessons with a young lady who has formally been part of Broadway shows, as well as Opera sets, FIM and TV.
    She is learning alot about music and stage performance.
    However, the only jobs she had been able to obtain so far has been background or extra work. She has not received a speaking role since 2012.
    We were on a commercial set last week where she was an extra. The main characters were flown in from NYC to do the speaking roles. Honestly, she received more compliments from the crew on her well manners, her sweet attitude and things like this. The other two kids that are flown in for the commercial appeared to be unruly and cute and they knew it types.
    I was told that unless I go SAG she v will not receive the speaking roles. Is this true? We are a limited income family and I do not know enough about SAG to invest into it without knowingb the outcome. Thank you in advance for your time and help. The commercials she had part in were because of her headshot. She did not audition to receive the role.

    1. Hi Bette,

      So nice to hear from you. I wanted to let you know that the web site you have http://VictoriaCassidaonfb.com does not open up for me.
      To answer your question, no, she does not have to be union in order to get speaking parts in a commercial. There are a lot of non
      union projects taking place. Do you currently have an agent submitting her for jobs? What area do you live in?

      To join the union is very expensive, and even though I am a union member, I would suggest getting her more experience
      with principal roles first, and then consider joining.

  2. That was awesome information, because going back 13 times I would have said what is going on. I’m glad you stay with it and got it. Congrats!!!

    1. Hi Anthony.

      Thanks for the kind words. It was actually 15 auditions before booking the job. What I have learned over the years is that people don’t bring actors back to read for parts unless they really like what they have done in previous auditions. So, I was very determined to continue no matter what.

      How have you been?
      Any auditions or jobs recently?

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