A Successful Director Lied to A Famous Actor

While Working on a set, I heard and watched how a successful director lied and said this to a famous actor. It was pretty shocking to me to see this happen. But, it was a great learning experience.

What The Successful Director Said to The Famous Actor

A successful director personally and professionally disliked this actor. I was sitting in a chair behind the director while this took place. We were sitting behind a wall watching the monitors so the actor could not see what was taking place. After a few takes were shot, the director, was furious and threw his head set to the floor. He walked over to the actor and told him how much he loved the performance. He asked the actor to give him another choice, so he had a few options, but that he most likely would use the first take.

What The Director Said To Those Sitting By The Monitor

After talking to the actor, he walked back behind the wall and made the gesture
of putting his finger down his throat to show how disgusted he was with the actor.

What I Learned From Watching This Successful Director

Whenever someone says something to you, whether it is positive or negative,
hear what they say, but filter everything. People say all kinds of things to us.
Some information will be helpful, some irrelevant. Always remember to never
take anything that is said to you personally. If the information is helpful, great,
if not, throw it away.

Have You Ever Been Lied To?

If someone lied to you or said things that just didn’t make sense,
please share it on the channel in the comment section. That way we
can all learn from each other.

Another Great Video to Watch

6 Actors Having Great Success Late In Life

Click Here to Watch


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