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What You Need to Know About Actors’ Modified Local Contracts

September 16, 2024 0 Comments

What You Need To Know About Actor’s Modified Local Contracts

All actors need to know about contracts. There are different types of acting contracts. In this video, you will learn about an actor’s local contract and a modified local contract. Every actor needs to understand what they mean and which one they should ask for.

Local Contracts

Local contracts for actors can mean different things. Some local contracts state that the actor needs to be a resident of the state where production is happening.

Other local contracts simply mean that actors are willing to work as a local. This means that production will not cover travel, lodging or pay per diem money to actors.

Watch the video and learn more details about local and modified local contracts.

Have You Ever Worked On A Local Or Modified Local Contract?

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on the acting and modeling quick tips channel.

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About the Author:

Aaron Marcus has been a full-time actor and commercial model for over 36 years. His new book, How to Become a Successful Actor and Model is an Amazon Best Seller. Aaron has given his seminar: "Book the Job" over 800 times spanning 3 continents. He also offers online workshops. Aaron saves 5 days each month to give private on-line coaching sessions. Subscribe to his Acting and Modeling Quick Tips Channel and have free access to 270 + videos <a

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