Aaron working as a Preacher on the movie Fishbowl

Now You Will Really Know About An Actor’s Life On A Movie

This happened to me before I began working on the movie, Project Almanac.
As I was boarding my flight to Atlanta, I noticed on my phone
that many of my lines for the movie had changed. That is not

What My Life Was Like On The Flight

I quickly wrote down all of my lines for the next day’s shoot. I began
reading the lines over and over. My character didn’t change, just the
words. I’m sure the people sitting near me might have been a little
concerned watching someone mumble to themselves for 2 hours.

Another Change That Happened During This Movie

My hotel pickup time stayed the same, but they changed the
shoot schedule. My scene was shot much earlier in the day.

You barely see me in the scene.
I am the teacher who is very boring and giving a lesson about President
Lincoln and the Civil War.

The Hardest Part Of Delivering My Lines In The Movie

The camera was focused on one of the students (one of the stars of the film.)
The director explained to me where he wanted me to walk while giving my speech
and where I needed to land for certain words.

We only needed around 7 or 8 takes and we were done shooting. It was such a fun

Watch The Video

Watch this video and learn what it was like and what I did
as soon as I landed on the movie set of Project Almanac.
It was a wonderful day.

Have You Ever Been Cast In A Movie Or TV Show?

If you were ever cast and worked on a movie or
TV show, share your experience in the description section
of my acting and modeling quick tips channel.

This way we can all learn from you.

Another Great Video to Watch

Important New Self-Tape Rules SAG-AFTRA Negotiated


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I look forward to talking with you again soon.

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